Saturday, December 22, 2007

In the news

Nathaniel's 3rd grade class made a front-page appearance in the local newspaper for an economics project. You can read about it at the Daily News Record

To see the actual layout, go to the e-edition of the paper. Since a link doesn't work (see Chris's comment), go to DNR Online and look at the far right of the page for "e-editions" and then go to back issues. Choose Saturday, December 22, and then read the 1st and 3rd page. You can read an excerpt of Nathaniel's job application on the page 3 inset (e-version only):

"I'm a good worker because I don't fight with others. I'm a smooth cutter because I can cut a hard piece of paper. And measure very well and count to 1,000 and can be willing to work with others."